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WORkplace Computing

Digital Workplace User Access

The Digital Workplace provides a common workplace experience across Windows 10, MacOS, iOS, and Android devices. The service combines this delivery platform with a corporate application portal, Single Sign-on and a corporate network tunnel to deliver a fully operational work platform no matter from where the device is connected, whether that is the corporate network or the Internet.

Powered by Workspace One, the User Access simply and securely delivers and manages the delivery of End User desktop and business systems services to any device from anywhere.

What’s included

  • End User enrolment of up to 5 devices of which first of these devices will always be the end-user’s primary corporate device
  • Single Sign-on capability for any applications that are accessible through the Digital Workplace
  • Tunnel (VPN) services to provide seamless application-level connection to required resources within the corporate network from an Internet
  • Unified application portal (store) with departmental or agency approved discretionary applications
  • Required software publications and ongoing updates for publicly available applications from the relevant device application store (Apple AppStore, Android GooglePlay or Microsoft Store for Business)
  • Standard operating environment consisting of the operating system and core support applications and tools
  • Regular operating systems vulnerability patching and Microsoft “hot fixes” as required


  • Digital Workplace

Service Offer

  • Per user, per annum for all the registered users within the Digital Workplace service
  • Digital Workplace User Access Offering (User)

Service Request

  • On-boarding or Off-boarding of users
  • Digital Workplace Service Establishment
  • Remote Wipe Capacity

Service Level

  • Accessible 24/7/365
  • Request fulfilment business hours
  • Available 99.8%