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WORkplace Computing

Tenancy Enrolment License Allocation

The Office 365 Tenancy Enrolment Licence Allocation service is specifically defined to allow Victorian Government departments and agencies, whom have their own Office 365 tenancies to benefit from the negotiation and buying power of Cenitex for specific Microsoft online services licensing.

The Office 365 Tenancy Enrolment Licence Allocation service is specifically defined to allow Victorian Government departments and agencies, whom have their own Office 365 tenancies to benefit from the negotiation and buying power of Cenitex for specific Microsoft online services licensing.

Power Apps per User

Once the licences are allocated to the customer’s Tenant Enrolment, they flow to the customer’s tenancy and are available for assignment. Customers of this service will be subject to licence pre-payment and an annual true-up process annually.

What’s included

  • Procurement of the Microsoft licensing
  • Initial tenant enrolment creation (Microsoft Enrolment/Affiliate Registration)
  • Initial allocation of the licences
  • Annual review and forecast process from September each year
  • Issuing of a renewal of the licences for the following year

    Special considerations
  • Requests for additional licensing from September of each year will be calculated pro-rata plus 12 months.
  • Licence parcels size (i.e., number of licences requested) may be subject to a minimum.
  • Subsequent requests by a customer for additional licencing will be managed via the MSR procedure.
  • Customer requests the additional licences via the Cenitex RFQ process.
  • A MSR is produced with pro-rata pricing for the remainder of the Microsoft Agreement cycle (December to the following November).
  • This service cannot be applied to any Office 365 tenancy that would breach any special arrangement the customer has with Microsoft for that tenancy.


    The overall service has the following constraints:

    The customers’ Office 365 tenancy must fall under the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement contract for which the Department of Premier and Cabinet is the lead agency.

Service offer

Licence allocation per annum.
Pro-rata to the following November, then annual after that.
Price is based on initial volume requested. Minimum licence parcel size may apply.

True-up information

The department or agency agrees to:

  • Participate in a review process from September each year, where any reserved licences added to their “tenant enrolment” will be quoted for payment.
  • Notify Cenitex in writing no later than the last business day in September about any reduction in licensing that may be required in the following year (December to November).
  • Address any anomalies found during the review process.



Service level

  • Creation of a tenant enrolment (including initial licence allocation) 15 business days
  • Additional licence allocation to an existing tenant enrolment 10 business days